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Extra Curricular Activities
St. Colm’s High School After School Academic Activities
CYPP Funding has allowed St. Colm’s to introduce a number of academic after school activities which have impacted significantly upon school life. The appropriateness and effectiveness of the activities is assessed through pupil feedback and continuous monitoring and evaluation. The funding has also enabled us to provide an annual Easter Revision School for our GCSE pupils. The pupils have benefited from this greatly. This was reflected in the high attendance rate and indeed very commendable GCSE results attained by these pupils. Some of the activities include:
GCSE Coursework and Revision Support Classes
Whole school coursework marks have improved which has improved the self-esteem and confidence of the pupils as well as improving the pupils overall GCSE results.
One to One support in English and Maths
As well as enhancing the teacher/pupil relationship it has also enhanced the self-image and learning skills of the pupils.
These activities have indirectly led to pupils’ attendance and their attitude to school improving. The pupils have benefited from awards, enhanced self-image and a development of their skills. The teachers who have participated on these courses have noticed an improved teacher/pupil relationship and an overall positive behavioural change in the pupils who attend these classes.
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