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Admissions Criteria

St. Colm’s High School Admissions Criteria

The Board of Governors is responsible for decisions relating to admissions. The Governors delegate to the Principal the functions of applying the admissions criteria.


Applications to attend St. Colm’s other than at transfer stage may be made by completing the appropriate form available from the school. Such applications will be considered by the Board of Governors subject to the availability of a place.


For Post 16 Courses, applications from pupils who have attended St Colm’s at KS3 and KS4 will be given preference. Upon receipt of a completed application form, to include last school report, a formal interview will be arranged. For ‘A’ level courses applicants will normally have achieved a minimum of 5 GCSE grades at A*-C to include Mathematics and English. Students can choose from an increasing range of subjects at A Level, some of which are in collaboration with other schools. For one year GCE courses, applicants will normally have achieved 3 GCSE grades A*-C.


Criteria For Admissions To Year 8


If the school is over-subscribed the Board of Governors will apply the criteria in the order set down. It is the parents’ responsibility to inform the school of all relevant information relating to the request for admission. This should be recorded on the "Parents' Remarks" section of the Transfer Form.


Stage One


Applications will be considered from pupils residing in the parishes of St Luke's, The Nativity, Christ the Redeemer, St Anne's, Our Lady Queen of Peace Kilwee and Derriaghy.


NB     Parishes not listed in order of priority.


The following criteria will be applied in the order set down:


  1. Pupils who have a brother or sister presently enrolled in the school. (Name and Form Class of pupil must be stated on Transfer Form).

  2. A Pupil who is the eldest or only child in the family.

  3. A Pupil who, while not the eldest child in the family is the first in the family to transfer to a mainstream School.

  4. A Pupil whose parent/guardian/brother or sister is a permanent employee of the school.

  5. A Pupil who had a brother or sister enrolled in the school (Name and year of leaving to be stated on Transfer Form).


In the event of over-subscription preference will be given to those whose normal place of residence is closest to the school as determined by the walking distance from the pupil’s home to the front gate of the school. This will be on the basis of one child per parish taken in the following order: St Luke’s, The Nativity, Christ the Redeemer, St. Anne’s, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Kilwee and Derriaghy.


Stage Two


In the event that the admissions number is not reached at Stage One then applications will be considered from other parishes using the above criteria 1-5 in the order set down. In the event of oversubscription, priority will be given to those living closest to the school.


The criteria relating to the initial admission of pupils into Year 8 before the commencement school year will also be used for entry into Year 8 should admission become possible after the commencement of the school year.

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